Function | Description |
Private Functions | |
initHeader() |
Initialize the header (KTHeader ). |
initHeaderMenu() |
Initialize the offcanvas toggle (KTOffcanvas ) and horizontal menu (KTMenu ) in the header. |
initHeaderTopbar() |
Initialize topbar toggle (KTToggle ) in the header for the mobile view display. |
initAside() |
Initialize the left aside menu for offcanvas toggle (KTOffcanvas ). |
initAsideMenu() |
Initialize the left aside menu (KTMenu ). |
initAsideToggler() |
Initialize the left aside toggle (KTToggle ). |
initAsideSecondary() |
Initialize the secondary aside toggle (KTToggle ). |
initScrolltop() |
Initialize the page scrolltop toggle button (KTScrolltop ). |
initPageStickyPortlet() |
Initialize the page sticky portlet, if any sticky portlet on the page. (KTPortlet ). |
Public Functions | |
init() |
Initialize the main function. |
initHeader() |
Initialize all the header functions.
initAside() |
Initialize all the left aside functions.
initAsideSecondary() |
Initialize the secondary aside toggle. |
initPageStickyPortlet() |
Initialize the page sticky portlet, if any sticky portlet on the page. |
getAsideMenu() |
Get the aside menu (KTMenu ) instance. |
onAsideToggle() |
Event on toggle left aside menu. |
getAsideToggler() |
Get the aside menu toggle instance (KTToggle ). |
openAsideSecondary() |
Open secondary aside panel programatically. |
closeAsideSecondary() |
Close secondary aside panel programatically. |
getAsideSecondaryToggler() |
Get secondary aside panel toggler instance (KTToggle ). |
onAsideSecondaryToggle() |
Event on secondary aside panel toggle. |
closeMobileAsideMenuOffcanvas() |
Close mobile aside menu offcanvas programatically. |
closeMobileHeaderMenuOffcanvas() |
Close mobile header menu offcanvas programatically. |