
The Ultimate Bootstrap & Angular 7 Admin Theme Framework For Next Generation Applications

Global SASS

The Global SASS contains Metronic's code framework and base components. The global scope is available for all demos.

Global SASS Mixins

When you customize or code in Metronic's SASS environment you can use Metronic's globally available base mixins. All available mixins can be found here: [root]/theme/default/src/assets/sass/theme/core/_mixins.scss

Global SASS Functions

You can use Metronic's globally available SASS functions in your custom codes. All available functions can be found here: [root]/theme/default/src/assets/sass/theme/core/_functions.scss

Metronic uses nested map list to structure the config options with special custom function kt-get() to access the nested config structure. You can access to an option by using kt-get() function as shown below:

transition: kt-get($kt-aside-config, base, minimize, transition);

Global SASS Config

The demo's style.scss includes the entire framework stylesheets and compiles with its own layout and global settings that allows overriding Metonic frameworks base global settings. Thus each demo can customize and change the look and feel of the the entire theme components by overriding global config [root]/theme/default/src/assets/sass/theme/_config.scss in the demo's config [root]/theme/default/src/assets/sass/theme/demos/[demo_id]/_config.scss.

// Global Config

// Functions
@import "../../../../../framework/sass/theme/core/functions";

// Mixins
@import "../../../../../framework/sass/theme/core/mixins";
@import "../../../../../framework/sass/vendors/mixins/perfect-scrollbar";
@import "../../../../../framework/sass/theme/core/base/mixins/grid";
@import "../../../../../framework/sass/theme/core/base/mixins/burger-menu";
@import "../../../../../framework/sass/theme/core/base/mixins/menu-horizontal";
@import "../../../../../framework/sass/theme/core/base/mixins/menu-vertical";
@import "../../../../../framework/sass/theme/core/base/mixins/offcanvas";
@import "../../../../../framework/sass/theme/core/base/mixins/spinner";

// Theme mixins
@import "core/components/base/mixins";

// Layout Breakpoints(bootstrap responsive breakpoints)
// Define the minimum and maximum dimensions at which your layout will change, adapting to different screen sizes, for use in media queries.
$kt-media-breakpoints: (
    // Extra small screen / phone
    xs: 0,

    // Small screen / phone
    sm: 576px,

    // Medium screen / tablet
    md: 768px,

    // Large screen / desktop
    lg: 1024px, //1024px,

    // Extra large screen / wide desktop
    xl: 1399px
) !default;

// Global rounded border mode
$kt-rounded: true !default;

// Border Radius
$kt-border-radius: 4px !default;

// Core icon codes(lineawesome icons:
$kt-action-icons: (
    close: '\f191',
    down: '\f110',
    up: '\f113',
    left: '\f111',
    right: '\f112',
    plus: '\f2c2',
    minus: '\f28e'
) !default;

// Core bold icon codes(lineawesome icons:
$kt-action-bold-icons: (
    down: '\f1b1',
    up: '\f1b3',
    left: '\f1b2',
    right: '\f1a9'
) !default;

// Elevate shadow
$kt-elevate-shadow: 0px 0px 13px 0px rgba(82,63,105,0.05) !default;
$kt-elevate-shadow-2: 0px 0px 13px 0px rgba(82,63,105,0.1) !default;

// Dropdown shadow
$kt-dropdown-shadow: 0px 0px 50px 0px rgba(82,63,105, 0.15) !default;

// Custom scrollbar color
$kt-scroll-color: darken(#ebedf2, 6%) !default;

// Transition
$kt-transition: all 0.3s !default;

// Modal Z-index
$kt-modal-zindex: 1050 !default;

// dropdown Z-index
$kt-dropdown-zindex: 95 !default;

// State colors
$kt-state-colors: (
    // Metronic states
    brand: (
        base: #505ae2,
        inverse: #ffffff
    light: (
        base: #ffffff,
        inverse: #282a3c
    dark: (
        base: lighten(#4c467a, 12%),
        inverse: #ffffff

    // Bootstrap states
    primary: (
        base: #5867dd,
        inverse: #ffffff
    success: (
        base: #1dc9b7,
        inverse: #ffffff
    info: (
        base: #5578eb,
        inverse: #ffffff
    warning: (
        base: #ffb822,
        inverse: #111111
    danger: (
        base: #fd397a,
        inverse: #ffffff

// Base colors
$kt-base-colors: (
    label: (
        1: #adb1c7,
        2: #a7abc3,
        3: #6c7293,
        4: #464457
    shape: (
        1: #f0f3ff,
        2: #e8ecfa,
        3: #93a2dd,
        4: #646c9a
    grey: (
        1: #f7f8fa, //#f4f5f8
        2: #ebedf2,
        3: darken(#ebedf2, 3%),
        4: darken(#ebedf2, 6%)
) !default;

// Root Font Settings
$kt-font-families: (
    regular: 'Poppins',
    heading: 'Poppins'
) !default;

// Root Font Settings
$kt-font-size: (
    size: (
        desktop: 13px,
        tablet: 12px,
        mobile: 12px
    weight: 300
) !default;

// General Link Settings
$kt-font-color: (
    text: #646c9a,
    link: (
        default: kt-state-color(brand),
        hover: darken(kt-state-color(brand), 6%)
) !default;

// Portlet settings
$kt-portlet: (
    min-height: (
        default: (
            desktop: 60px,
            mobile: 50px
        lg: (
            desktop: 80px,
            mobile: 60px
        xl: (
            desktop: 100px,
            mobile: 80px
    space: (
        desktop: 25px,
        mobile: 15px
    bottom-space: (
        desktop: 20px,
        mobile: 10px
    border-color: kt-base-color(grey, 2),
    bg-color: #ffffff,
    shadow: 0px 0px 30px 0px rgba(82,63,105,0.05)
) !default;

// Page padding
$kt-page-padding: (
    desktop: 25px,
    mobile: 15px
) !default;

// Custom Scroll(Perfect Scrollbar) size
$kt-custom-scroll-size: 4px !default;
Variable Description
$kt-media-breakpoints Layout Breakpoints(bootstrap responsive breakpoints). Define the minimum and maximum dimensions at which your layout will change, adapting to different screen sizes, for use in media queries
$kt-media-breakpoints: (
    // Extra small screen / phone
    xs: 0,

    // Small screen / phone
    sm: 576px,

    // Medium screen / tablet
    md: 768px,

    // Large screen / desktop
    lg: 1024px, //1024px,

    // Extra large screen / wide desktop
    xl: 1399px
) !default;
$kt-rounded Set global rounded border mode enable/disable.
$kt-rounded: true !default;
$kt-border-radius Set global border radius size.
$kt-border-radius: 4px !default;
$kt-action-icons Core icon codes(lineawesome icons:
$kt-action-icons: (
    close: '\f191',
    down: '\f110',
    up: '\f113',
    left: '\f111',
    right: '\f112',
    plus: '\f2c2',
    minus: '\f28e'
) !default;
$kt-elevate-shadow Elevate shadow CSS values
$kt-elevate-shadow: 0px 0px 13px 0px rgba(82,63,105,0.05);
$kt-elevate-shadow-2: 0px 0px 13px 0px rgba(82,63,105,0.1);
$kt-dropdown-shadow Dropdown shadow CSS values
$kt-dropdown-shadow: 0px 0px 50px 0px rgba(82,63,105, 0.15);
$kt-scroll-color Custom scrollbar color
$kt-scroll-color: darken(#ebedf2, 6%);
$kt-transition Set global transition.
$kt-transition: all 0.3s !default;
$kt-modal-zindex Set global modal z-index.
$kt-modal-zindex: 1050 !default;
$kt-dropdown-zindex Set global dropdown z-index.
$kt-dropdown-zindex: 95 !default;
$kt-brand-color Set global brand color.
$kt-brand-color: #536be2 !default;
$kt-brand-inverse-color Set global brand inverse color.
$kt-brand-inverse-color: #ffffff !default;
$kt-state-colors State colors of Metronic and Bootstrap.
$kt-state-colors: (
    // Metronic states
    brand: (
        base: #505ae2,
        inverse: #ffffff
    light: (
        base: #ffffff,
        inverse: #282a3c
    dark: (
        base: lighten(#4c467a, 12%),
        inverse: #ffffff

    // Bootstrap states
    primary: (
        base: #5867dd,
        inverse: #ffffff
    success: (
        base: #1dc9b7,
        inverse: #ffffff
    info: (
        base: #5578eb,
        inverse: #ffffff
    warning: (
        base: #ffb822,
        inverse: #111111
    danger: (
        base: #fd397a,
        inverse: #ffffff
$kt-base-colors Base colors.
$kt-base-colors: (
    label: (
        1: #c5cbe3,
        2: #a1a8c3,
        3: #646c9a,
        4: #3d4465
    shape: (
        1: #f0f3ff,
        2: #e8ecfa,
        3: #93a2dd,
        4: #646c9a
    grey: (
        1: #f7f8fa, //#f4f5f8
        2: #ebedf2,
        3: darken(#ebedf2, 3%),
        4: darken(#ebedf2, 6%)
) !default;
$kt-font-families Root font family list.
$kt-font-families: (
    regular: 'Poppins',
    heading: 'Poppins'
) !default;
$kt-font-size Root font settings.
$kt-font-size: (
    size: (
        desktop: 13px,
        tablet: 12px,
        mobile: 12px
    weight: 300
) !default;
$kt-font-color General link font settings.
$kt-font-color: (
    text: #646c9a,
    link: (
        default: kt-state-color(brand),
        hover: darken(kt-state-color(brand), 6%)
) !default;
$kt-portlet Portlet settings.
$kt-portlet: (
    min-height: (
        default: (
            desktop: 60px,
            mobile: 50px
        lg: (
            desktop: 80px,
            mobile: 60px
        xl: (
            desktop: 100px,
            mobile: 80px
    space: (
        desktop: 25px,
        mobile: 15px
    bottom-space: (
        desktop: 20px,
        mobile: 10px
    border-color: kt-base-color(grey, 2),
    bg-color: #ffffff,
    shadow: 0px 0px 30px 0px rgba(82,63,105,0.05)
I run a team of 20 product managers, developers, QA and UX resources. Previously we designed everything ourselves. For our newest platform we tried out Metronic. I cannot overestimate the impact Metronic has had. It's accelerated development 3x and reduced QA issues by 50%. If you add up the reduced need for design time/resources, the increase in dev speed and the reduction in QA, it's probably saved us $100,000 on this project alone, and I plan to use it for all platforms moving forward.
The flexibility of the design has also allowed us to put out a better looking & working platform and reduced my headaches by 90%. Thank you KeenThemes! Jonathan Bartlett, Metronic Customer

Powerful Framework

Everything within Metronic is customizable globally to provide limitless unique styled projects

Multi Demo

Choose a perfect design for your next project among hundreds of demos

Limitless Components

A huge collection of components to power your application with the latest UI/UX trands

Angular 7 Support

Enterprise ready Angular 7 integration with built-in authentication module and many more

Bootstrap 4

Metronic deeply customizes Bootstrap with native look and feel

Exclusive Datatable Plugin

Our super sleek and intuitive Datatable comes packed with all advanced CRUD features

70,000+ Strong

Metronic is the only theme trusted by over 70,000 developers world wide

Continuous Updates

Lifetime updates with new demos and features is guaranteed

Quality Code

Metronic is written with a code structure that all developers will be able to pick up easily and fall in love

The Ultimate Bootstrap Admin Theme Trusted By Over 70,000 Developers World Wide